Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Multiple Ways To Making Money Online

Make Money Blogging Writing Articles

There are many ways that you can make good blog money and creating content is where a lot of your blogging money comes from.

SEO Articles – I get random emails that say ‘please take a look at my site. How much?’ Making blog money is still a mystery to some. The first thing I would offer any company or website is to create SEO articles in their niche and scatter them on their website and the web. Writing SEO articles from scratch can make you good blogging money for any website or blog. Your blog! Organic traffic is the #2 method for blog money on the Internet so keep reading for #1.

SEO Copywriting – Go over a websites copy and pre-existing articles and re-write them. (This post is updated and tweaked.) I find a lot of offers to re-write certain types of articles because they need updated keywords mainly, better placement and believe it or not fewer word count. Keep it simple. Re-write articles, posts, and make improvements in copy if you can because it will be less work and more blogging money for you. Do the same for your blog to gain more organic traffic.

Write Reviews – If you have slammin’ traffic you can make good blogging money to post reviews on your site or blog. Blogs work best for this. You can also write a stockpile of reviews for a company and leave the marketing to them. This again comes down to SEO copy. Offer this service to prospects and clients if they haven’t thought of it yet. They may know all about the marketing aspects and they just need people to write for them. Review other sites and post them to your blog. Review products and submit SEO product reviews and articles in forums, Craigslist and article directories for even more traffic. More blogging money for you!

Get Paid to Blog – Guest blogging. These are not things you should be doing for free. I understand that guest blogging is to swap traffic and introduce one audience to another. Too many sites take advantage of bloggers and exploit their guests. You should be blogging to make money for yourself not anyone else. Unless they pay you! Did you know that one of the largest blogs that brings in the most money does not pay their bloggers? They are relying on the sole pleasure that bloggers will have blogging for them. Whatever! Don’t blog for free! That is not what you are here for and there are better ways to get exposure without selling yourself short.

Ebooks – If you can write an ebook for someone they will pay you handsomely for it. Some people don’t want to monkey around with the writing and adding links portion because they want to make money in other ways. Learn how to deal with graphics, PDF’s and incorporating links from your clients sites. This could be an ongoing way for some blogging money. Write a review and sell the book on your own blog! Write your own book and you’re in business.

Press Releases – This by far is the easiest and if you do this well it can be an on going service. I’d charge monthly and decide on the maximum press releases you are willing to do for X amount of money. This is only to write the press release and not distribution. You could charge extra for that. Easy stuff. Place SEO press releases on your own blog. You’ll have more optimized content, more pages and more blog money coming to you!

Direct Email Marketing – Yep saved the best for last. This is the lifeblood of most blogs. Your blog has excellent content and you need to pass on this valuable info to your readers somehow. Look into email marketing and know the laws in your state. There are strict rules for email marketing so know the law. Direct email marketing is the number one way businesses in real life make money. Before the Internet it was direct mailing. Still a good way to market and make money but cheaper and more effective to use email.

Mainly use your blog as if it were a business card. Show examples of your writing, marketing and traffic stats. Show off some of the SEO optimization.

The writing portions are different from the marketing, SEO and viral marketing (sometimes incorporated) but that is how it goes in order to make good blog money. Those are extra or up-sale services and more blogging money for you. Make sure you decide what it is you want to get paid for and make that your primary focus. What else do you do well that you can turn into a blogging service that will benefit others? I like getting paid to blog, write and market so that is what I do. Since I know a fair amount of SEO and other blogging tactics I’m able to charge a little more.

As you can see there is no silver bullet in making blog money but many rounds in the clip. Find the best ammunition and you can kill in the blogsphere.


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