Monday, July 16, 2007

The Dummies Guide To Blogging

I don't know about you, but all I gotta say is that this world is full of dummies! I mean, the next time you visit your local bookstore, count how many "Dummies manual" you can find. Good luck!
Need help understanding how a PC works? Grab a "PC for Dummies" guide. How about learning a new language like swahili, I'm pretty sure there's a "Swahili for Dummies" guide as well. I was even dumbfounded when I saw a Dummies guide on putting aftermarket car and gear to your car. Crazy huh?

Well, it seems like no matter what subject you are interested in, there's a Dummy guide to lead you all the way. Which is no surprise that I came upon this little website called "Blogging for Dummies!" yay!

It doesn't have the best layout or organizational structure, but I must say that it is chuck full of information about blogging. Need to know how to put a pix on your header? Or how about changing the style of your blog into 3 columns, add music or add a background pix? This site has it all.

I advise you guys check this out and maybe learn a thing or two on how to customize your blog. It's well worth it.

Blogging for Dummies

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