Friday, June 8, 2007

Article Submitter - Free Software

We all love FREE stuff right? I know I do. So once again, in my quest to help out my faithful readers, here's another FREE software that I hope you guys will be able to use in your journey to make money online.

We all know that article marketing is the latest craze right now thanks to Travis the creator of Bum Marketing. In fact, I gave his link away so you can get access to it in a previous post so just look for it in my archives.

Anyways, this new program came from Brad Callen, the guy who created SEO elite. Like I said before, I subscribe to a lot of these so called "guru's" just to see what kind of stuff they promote and sometimes I get lucky and they send me some free tools or software, therefore, I'm able to share it with you guys as well. Aren't I so kind? You can thank me later

Ok, I know there are tons of article submitters out there today and some are also free. But what makes this different is first off, it was created by Brad Callen. His famous software the SEO elite made a killing and still is because of the ease of use and it delivers results. Also, with just the click of a button, you can send your articles to thousands of article sites although you and I both know that you need to be careful with this because not all article sites have the same criteria. You also get to increase your page rank and have free upgrades for life by downloading this software. There's also a demo video once you get to the website so that should give you a better understanding of what this software can do.

So, there you go. Pick up your free Article Submitter here and start writing!

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Anonymous said...

Hey man nice site! We are in the same Niche. Check mine out at

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